What is Yestimun®?

Yestimun® is a natural 1,3/1,6-beta-glucan extracted from the brewers’ yeast cell wall. It is made from high-quality Brewers’ Yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with the natural components barley, hops and water.

Yestimun® 10µm

The advantages of Yestimun®

Properties of Yestimun®
Your partner for a strong immune system

Yestimun® is a light beige-coloured, fine, spray-dried, powder with no taste or odour of its own. For that reason, the dispersible ingredient can easily be used in a wide range of dry or even liquid product formulations. Because of this, the dispersible ingredient can be easily used in diverse dry or even liquid product formulations. Leiber Brewers´ Yeast beta-glucan is characterised by a very high level of purity and a unique molecular structure. Its highly immune-supporting effect has been proven on the basis of human studies.

1,3/1,6 Brewers’ Yeast beta-glucan has the following properties:

  • Can be taken daily
  • Free of side effects
  • Efficacy proved by studies
  • Kosher and halal-certified, non-allergenic and GMO-free
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  • Already used in hundreds of products worldwide
  • GRAS status (USA), novel food approval in Europe

Do you have any questions about our product?
We’re there whenever you need us.

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